Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cramped in the Cold

So, what do I write in my first ever blog attack on the internet. Probably what I expect in this brand new year. Don't "they" say if you write down your dreams then they'll come true. I tend to believe that writing down your dream stops dejavu from happening. Who wants to do that, not me. Ever have dejavu when someone else is havong it too. I don't think they really were. Just saying it. Like a yes man.

Two of my best friends have moved out west. I miss them (I miss you Thayne and Kate). I don't miss many people. I miss most friends more than family though. I hope to save enough money by March to see of them, perhaps at the same time. San Deigo to San Fransisco. Taking a trip inside of a trip would be ideal for me. Rich will come with me. I believe we both are able to get two weeks off. He's a good traveling companion. A very open minded man. It has been three years now since I have traveled anywhere. eek! So little time and money, yet so many places to go.

In my life i've been in and around Denver,CO. Demark and up and down the east coast many times. I am dying to see the sunset over the ocean.

I am loving this jazz interplay record right now, Coltrane and Mal Waldron.
This weather and music makes me think of a lay-over in Cleveland,OH and watching the final four of March Maddness get underway. Don't ask me why.

1 comment:

teeth said...

you are missed! come soon and bask in the sun